cooperation/collaboration/teamwork 合作/团队合作
team spirit/group spirit/community spirit 团队精神
cooperate with others/be in cooperation with others/be in collaboration with others/work together 与某人合作
active/effective/mutual/close cooperation 积极/有效/共同/密切协作
sense of teamwork 团队意识
ask fbr/call for/demand/seek cooperation 寻求合作
take an active part in cooperation/cooperate actively 积极合作
end cooperation 中止合作
make concertedyjoint effbrts/pool one’s efforts together 齐协力
solidarity and friendship 团结友爱
win-win/all win/win for all 共赢
optimism/optimistic/optimist/optimistic mind/optimistic attitude 乐观主义/ 乐观的/乐观者/乐观的心态/乐观的态度
pessimism/pessimistic/pessimist 悲观主义/悲观的/悲观者
show/display/demonstrate optimism 表达乐观
adopt/possess a(n) optimistic ( positive) attitude (view, outlook) towards life (the problems confronting us)对于生活(面临的问题)釆取(持有)乐观的(积极的)态度
blind optimism 盲目乐观
excessively/overly/wildly optimistic 过于乐观
boost/enhance/improve/increase/lift/raise confidence 提升自信
gain/acquire confidence 获得自信
rebuild/restore/regain/revive confidence 重获信心
damage/weaken/undermine confidence 挫伤自信
the lack of confidence/lack confidence 缺乏自信
exaggerate/overestimate/overrate difficulties 夸大困难
underestimate one’s abilities 低估某人的能力
Perseverance 持之以恒
an enterprising spirit 进取精神=non-stop efforts 不懈的努力
open up new ways forward 开拓前进
make progress constantly= move forward constantly=make constant efforts 一直进步/永远努力
never stop making progress=never give up=keep making progress=keep on striving 永不言败/永远向前
the old/the elderly/elderly people/the senior/senior citizens/the aged/aged people 老人
aging society 老龄化社会
aging of population 人口老龄化
filial piety 孝道(孝顺的虔诚的行为)
fulfill filial duty/show filial piety to parents/practice filial piety 尽孝
support (take care sustain) aged parents (the old and infirm parents/the old/the aged/the elderly/the senior/senior citizens)赡养老年人
show solicitude for parents 关心父母(对父母表达关怀牵挂)
mistreat/ill-treat/maltreat parents 虐待父母
neglect sb/show no care (concern ) for sb/lack concern for sb/treat sb thoughtlessly 对父母缺乏 关心
take ( shoulder, assume) the responsibility for sth 对某事承担责任
shirk ( avoid, shift, abdicate ) the responsibility for sth 对某事推卸责任
duty/obligation of the young 年轻人的责任
traditional virtue of our nation 我国的传统美德
the wellbeing of the seniors/the heath and happiness of seniors 老人的健康幸福
make painstaking efforts/expend all one,s energies 做出艰苦努力/费劲心血
warm-hearted people 热心人
offer assistance/provide help 提供帮助
stretch out a helping hand to people in need 向需要帮助的人伸出援手
help-givers 提供帮助的人
receive aid 接受帮助
A host of dishonest behaviors 许许多多不诚实的行为
manufacture or sell fake and inferior goods at the cost of consumer’s interest 以消费者利益为代价,制造或贩卖假冒伪劣商品
bogus/fake/pirate products 假货/山寨货
bogus/fake certificates 假证
peddle the sensational stories 散播耸人听闻的消息
twist/distort the news 歪曲新闻
return to sincerity and faith 返璞归真
keep promise 信守承诺
tell right from wrong 辨别是非
1、 public morality 社会公德
awaken/wake up moral consciousness 唤醒道德意识
advocate traditional virtue/traditional moral values 弘扬传统美德
(distinguished/fine traditions) duty/responsibility/obligation 责任
sense of responsibility 责任感
shoulder/assume/undertake one’s duty/responsibility 承担责任
fulfill/discharge/perfbrm one’s duty/responsibility 履行责任
avoid/evade/shirk/shun one5s duty/responsibility 逃避责任
selfish soul 自私的灵魂
immoral behaviors/conduct 不道德的行为
spit everywhere 随地吐痰
make noise, talk loudly 大声喧哗
to respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼
Project Hope 希望工程
charities 慈善机构
donate/donation 捐赠
finish school/finish one’s studies 完成学业
lack of occupational self-discipline 缺乏职业自律
empty promise 空洞的承诺
false promise 虚假承诺
honesty 诚信
academic corruption 学术腐败
supervision departments 监管部门
authorities/departments concerned 有关当局、部门
merchant 商人、商家 manufacturer 厂家
raise/breed/fbster/nurture/bring up 抚养
spoil children/dote on children 溺爱孩子
doting care/parental overprotection 父母的过度溺爱(保护)
A child under the complete protection of parents/be over loved ( over protected) by parents/ excessive love from their parents/over-dependence on parents/be carefully protected from hardship 在父母羽翼下的孩子/过度依赖父母
fragile young people 脆弱的年轻人
children bom in the 1980s, majority of them being the only child in their family ( family¬planning policy )出生在 20 世纪 80 年代的孩子,他们中的绝大多数是家里的独子。(计划生育 政策)
encourage him or her to think and act independently 鼓励…独立思考独立行动 help children towards independence/self-reliance 鼓励孩子走向独立/自力更生
suffer hardships/stand sufferings/bear tribulation 遭遇逆境/忍受痛苦/忍受磨难
create optimum conditions for children’s growth 为孩子的成长创造最适宜的条件
the pillar of the state 国家栋梁
generation gap 代沟
widen/expand generation gap ( widen/expand the gap between the child and parents)代沟加深 (亲子间裂痕加深)
narrow/bridge generation gap (narrow/bridge the gap between the child and parents )弥合代沟 (弥合亲子间裂痕)
exchange ideas 交换意见
mutual understating/make allowance for each other 相互理解、相互体谅
misunderstanding 误解
reinforce family bonds/ties 增强家庭纽带(家庭关系更紧密)
get estranged from one’s family members 与家里人变得疏远
the NEET group 啃老族 NEET 的全称是(Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training)
reap without sowing 不劳而获
The Intemet/the virtual net/the virtual world/the virtual net world /the cyber space 因特网/虚拟网络/虚拟世界/虚拟网络世界/网络空间
Information superhighway 信息超级高速公路
With the advent/dawn of the Internet (era/age) 随着因特网的岀现
the widespread/extensive use of the Internet 因特网的广泛使用
a global village 地球村
loyal/hardcore/firequent Internet users (netizens) 网络铁粉(网民)
web/net/online addiction (net indulgence) 网瘾(沉溺网络)
click the mouse 点击鼠标
press keys on the keyboard 敲击键盘
Internet cafe 网吧
use the Intemet/go on the Intemet/surf the Internet (online ) /have access to the Intemet/linger online 上网
visit/log in a website 登录网站
download something from the Internet 网上下载
buy something on the Internet 网购
online shopping/banking 网购/网上银行
chat/shop/book online 网上聊天/购物/预定 make friends online 网上交友
chat online 网上聊天
online gossip 网络流言
online games 网络游戏
online job application 网络工作申请
group/integrate buying/purchase 团购
traffic jam/congestion, heavy traffic 交通堵塞
morning and evening peak 早晚高峰
rush hour 交通高峰期
bus lane 公交专用车道
odd-and-even license plate rule 单双号限行
traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers 尾号限行
traffic control 交通管制
car-free day 无车 日
private cars 私家车
develop public transport 发展公共交通
green commuting 绿色出行
green commuter 绿色通勤者
Lefs green our commute 让通勤更环保
drunk driving 醉驾
the pervasive advertisements/advertising/commercials on TV 无处不在的电视广告
advertiser/advertise 登广告的人、广告
a newspaper/magazine/TV/Intemet/fiill-page advertisements 报纸/杂志/电视/网络/整版广告
Poster/Billboard/Flyer 海报/广告板/传单
put/place an advertisement in newspaper/website 登广告
display advertisements 播放广告
implant/insert ads 植入广告
be overwhelmed with advertisements 被广告淹没(面对众多广告不知所措)
emerge at the intervals between programs 节目间歇出现
be inserted in programs, separating the whole into short pieces 节目中间插播,使得节目被分 成小段
be implanted as a segment of programs 广告融入变成节目的一部分
the main channel/source of revenue for TV stations 电视台的收入来源/主要渠道
misleading/distorted/fraudulent information in TV commercials 误导歪曲不实的电视广告
introduce/impose restrictions on advertisements 对广告实行限布
cultural exchanges/interaction/mterchange 文化交流(frequent/constant/common cultural exchanges between different countries )
The cultural integration/the cultural fusion 文化融合
The integration/ combination/fusion/collision of worldwide (global) cultures 全球文化的融合/碰撞
fusion of East and West/integration of Chinese and Western cultures 东西方融合/中西文化融合
traditional Chinese culture/national culture (Each national culture is a component of international culture)中国传统文化
alien/fbreign culture 异域文化(外国文化)
cultural identity 文化特性
cultural diversity 文化多样性
multiculturalism 多元文化
the co-existence of multi-cultures 多样文化共存
traditional Chinese culture as priceless spiritual treasure 中国传统文化所为无价的精神财富
a long and colorfiil/splendid Chinese culture 悠久灿烂的中国文化
splendid and glorious cultural heritage/legacy/relics 辉煌灿烂的文化遗产
oriental glamour (charm ) /the glamour ( charm ) of our culture 来自东方的迷人魅力
invaluable/priceless spiritual treasure/wealth of all human beings 全人类的无价精神财富
Chinese cultural symbols 中国文化的符号
the unique characteristics/feature of each culture ( possess unique characteristics/feature)每种文化独一无二的特点
the inheritance and development of culture from one generation to another.文化在不同世代间 的传承和发展
show respect fbr/show honor to our own culture 尊重本国文化
advocate/carry forward traditional culture 宣扬传统文化
gain deeper insight into/have a deeper understanding of/get a clear perspective of our own culture 更深刻的理解本国文化
preserve and cherish traditions 保护并珍视传统
ignore/disregard traditions 忽视传统
undermine traditions 损害传统
strengthen the cultural identity of a nation rather than erode it 增强一个国家的文化认同而非 削弱它
Interpretation of classics can promote cultural development positively.对于经典的诠释能够积 极促进文化发展
Soft power 软实力
Kung Fu 功夫
Peking/Beijmg opera 京剧(outdated)
Tang Suit 唐装
traditional Chinese medicine (not scientific)中医/中药
folk art 民间艺术
paper-cut 剪纸
traditional Chinese philosophy 传统中国哲学
Buddhism 佛
Confucianism 儒家
Confucius 孑 L 子
Confucius Institute 孔子学院
Hximanity/Benevolence 仁
Taoism 道
Rite 礼
Butterfly Lovers 梁祝
classical ballet—the Swan Lake 景点芭蕾舞剧 天鹅湖
Enlightenment from the west 受到西方的启蒙
Chinese craze/upsurge of Chinese craze 中国热/中国热的高涨
schooling 学校教育
life-long education 终身教育
compulsory education 义务教育
exam/test-oriented (driven ) education 应试教育
education for all-round development 素质教育
well-rounded development of a child 全面发展
balanced development of a child 均衡发展
promote the student9 s physical, mental (intellectual) and emotional development 促进学生德智体的发展
fbrce-feeding method of teaching 填鸭式教学 force-feed the students 填鸭式教育学生
Students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas
learn sth by rote 死记硬背
learn sth through understanding 理解式学习
impart knowledge 传授知识
acquire (gain) knowledge/skills 学习知识(技能)
instill high moral values 慢慢教授高尚的道德观
academic/theoretical knowledge 学术知识/理论知识
practical skills 实践技能
equip oneself with academic knowledge and practical skills 用理论知识和实践技能来武装自己
integrate theory with practice 理论与实践相结合
disconnect theory from practice 理论脱离实践
shape/mould one’s character 塑造性格
extra-curricular activities 课外活动
the spirit of exploration 探索精神
cultivate (nurture, foster ) creative/original thinking 培养创新思维
think independently and critically 独立并批判地思考问题
stifle/constrain/extinguish creativity 限制创造力
follow sth blindly/indiscriminately 盲目跟从
dampen the students5 enthusiasm/frustrate the students 熄灭学生的热情/让学生们沮丧
broaden/expand one’s vision/outlook/horizons 开阔眼界
stimulate one’s interest in sth 激发兴趣
sap/dampen student’s interest in sth 抑制学生们的兴趣
strengthen/weaken students9 willpower 增强/削弱学生们的意志力
tap one’s potential 开发潜能
fulfill one’s potential 充分发挥潜能
waste one5s potential 浪费潜能
give students motivation to do sth/motivate ( stimulate ) students to do sth 激励学生做某事
(re) kindle students5 enthusiasm about… 点燃学生们的热情
give the students inspiration 激发灵感(启发)
pursue post-graduate study/take part in the entrance exams fbr postgraduates 参加考研
study abroad/go abroad fbr further education 出国留学
excessive/undue academic pressure 过大的学习压力
the burden of study/leaming 学习负担
ease/relieve academic pressure 缓解学业压力
intensify academic pressure 增力口学术压力
affect academic performance 影响学习成绩
academic atmosphere 学术气氛
protect/preserve the environment/the preservation of environment.保护环境/环境的保护
destroy/destruct/ruin/devastate the environment/ the destruction of environment 破坏环境/环境的严重破坏
environmental degradation/environmental deterioration/the deteriorating environment 环境恶化
reckless exploitation of environment 对于环境不顾后果的肆意开发
keep ecological balance=keep the balance of ecosystem/nature (by prohibiting the actions of blind exploitation)保持生态平衡=维持自然平衡(通过禁止盲目的开发)
disturb ecological balance/the serious disturbance of ecological balance 打破生态平衡/对于 生态平衡的严重扰乱
maintain/disturb harmony between human beings and the environment 维持/打破人与环境的 和谐
maintain/disturb hannonious coexistence between human beings and nature 维持/打破人与 自 然的共存
arouse/ enhance the sense ( awareness/consciousness ) of environmental preservation/ environmental awareness (sense/consciousness)激发/增强环保意识
the lack/absence of the sense of environmental preservation 缺乏环保意识
environment protectors/ environmentalist /conservationist 环境保护者
promote sustainable development rather than push forward the economy at the expense of the ecosystem 促进可持续发展而不是以生态环境为代价发展经济
create pleasant living environment 创造怡人的生活环境
conserve water/water conservation 节约用水
consume water/water consumption 水的消耗量
water shortage=shortage (scarcity/dearth ) of water 水资源短缺
conserve ( scarce ) natural resources =consume/deplete natural resources
put a strain on the resources/stretch resources to the limit 给资源带来压力
use resources properly rather than use up/exhaust natural resources 合理利用资源而非耗尽资源(合理利用而非涸泽而渔)
over-exploit natural resources/over-exploitation of natural resources/abuse of natural resources 过度开发自然资源
exploit natural resources unlimitedly and blindly without considering the potential damage that can be done to nature, and more important, to human beings
the abuse of natural resources 自然资源的肆意滥用
non-renewable resources are in a state of rapid exhaustion 不可再生资源正处于快速衰竭的状态
short-term commercial interest 短期经济利益
the profit-oriented behavior 唯利是图的行为
devastating effects/destructive effects 毁灭性的效果
exploit renewable resources 开发利用可再生资源
keep the balance of nature by prohibiting the actions ofblind/reckless exploitation 通过制止盲目的/不计后果的开发来维护自然的平衡